
Gao R, Zhang M, Zhang J, Li Y, Wu D, Wang L, Zhang D. Towards Position-Independent Sensing for Gesture Recognition with Wi-Fi. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies [Internet]. 2021;5(2). 访问链接Abstract
Past decades have witnessed the extension of the Wi-Fi signals as a useful tool sensing human activities. One common assumption behind it is that there is a one-to-one mapping between human activities and Wi-Fi received signal patterns. However, this assumption does not hold when the user conducts activities in different locations and orientations. Actually, the received signal patterns of the same activity would become inconsistent when the relative location and orientation of the user with respect to transceivers change, leading to unstable sensing performance. This problem is known as the position-dependent problem, hindering the actual deployment of Wi-Fi-based sensing applications. In this paper, to tackle this fundamental problem, we develop a new position-independent sensing strategy and use gesture recognition as an application example to demonstrate its effectiveness. The key idea is to shift our observation from the traditional transceiver view to the hand-oriented view, and extract features that are irrespective of position-specific factors. Following the strategy, we design a position-independent feature, denoted as Motion Navigation Primitive(MNP). MNP captures the pattern of moving direction changes of the hand, which shares consistent patterns when the user performs the same gesture with different position-specific factors. By analyzing the pattern of MNP, we convert gestures into sequences of strokes (e.g, line, arc and corner) which makes them easy to be recognized. We build a prototype WiFi gesture recognition system, i.e., WiGesture to validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. Experiments show that our system can outperform the start-of-arts significantly in different settings. Given its novelty and superiority, we believe the proposed method symbolizes a major step towards gesture recognition and would inspire other solutions to position-independent activity recognition in the future.
Mou N, Ren H, Zheng Y, Chen J, Niu J, Yang T, Zhang L, Liu F. Traffic Inequality and Relations in Maritime Silk Road: A Network Flow Analysis. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021;10:40.
Li S-Q, Du* C-H, Han F-Y, Wang Y-D, Gao Z-C, Tan Y-H, Liu P-K. Transverse magnetic modes of localized spoof surface plasmons. Journal of Applied Physics. 2021;130(20):203104.
吴靖远. Travelling to the Koinon Assembly – Provincial Level Elite Mobilization during the Principate., in 15th TACMRS International Conference. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, China; 2021.Abstract
Koinon assemblies during the Principate were occasions when member communities dispatch delegations to gather at specifically designated cities, where they elect koinon officers and deliberate a range of affairs –– chiefly among which were festivities and sacrifices that honored the Roman emperors and the local cultic and civic traditions, but also revenues and expenditures, administrative tasks delegated by the imperial government, among others (Deininger 1965: 137-147; Edelmann-Singer 2015: 193-248, 309-310). Much has been discussed regarding the institutional aspects of the koinon assemblies; what could benefit from more discussion is the act of traveling to koinon assemblies. This paper assembles a small number of literary and epigraphic references that provide circumstantial references to koinon assembly-related travel anecdotes. Of particular importance among these are Strabo's description of the gathering of delegates from Lycian cities to the koinon meeting each year (Strab. 13.3.3), Aelius Aristides' account of the city of Smyrna's manipulative nomination of him as a candidate for the high priest of Asia (Ael. Arist. Hieroi Logoi 4.99-104), and the inscription honoring Quintus Popilius Python's gift to attendees of the koinon assembly while serving as the high priest of the Macedonian koinon (EKM 117). By assembling these and other evidence, this paper wishes to suggest that koinon assemblies were compulsory events that each member community would have to participate in, often at their own expense. Wealthy koinon-officeholders may opt to offset the burdens that communities (or their designated representatives) would have to shoulder in dispatching delegation, and such benefaction may be viewed from the perspective of a soft mobilization of the provincial elites in order to facilitate the orderly execution of business in the interest of the public weal.
Gan L, Li J, Zhang T, Li X, Meng Y, Wu F, Guo S, Fan C. Triggerless Backdoor Attack for NLP Tasks with Clean Labels. NAACL 2022. 2021.
Lin Y, Lin H, Xiao L, Chen Y, Meng X, Zeng X, Chang C, Brigden G. Tuberculosis recurrence over a 7-year follow-up period in successfully treated patients in a routine program setting in China: a prospective longitudinal study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2021;110:403-409.
Wang JW, Zhao ZZ, Zeng XW, Liu XY, Hu* YF. A Tubular Flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerator with a Superhydrophobic Surface for Human Motion Detecting. Sensors. 2021;21:3634.
Wang JW, Zhao ZZ, Zeng XW, Liu XY, Hu* YF. A Tubular Flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerator with a Superhydrophobic Surface for Human Motion Detecting. Sensors. 2021;21:3634.
Liu F, Ma Z, Deng Y, Wang M, Zhou P, Liu W, Guo S, Tong M, Ma D. Tunable Covalent Organic Frameworks with Different Heterocyclic Nitrogen Locations for Efficient Cr(VI) Reduction, Escherichia coli Disinfection, and Paracetamol Degradation under Visible-Light Irradiation. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2021;55:5371-5381. 访问链接Abstract
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have great application potentials in photocatalytic water treatment. By using p-phenylenediamine with different numbers and locations of heterocyclic nitrogen atoms as a precursor, five types of COFs with different nitrogen positions were synthesized. We found that Cr(VI) photoreduction,Escherichia coli inactivation, and paracetamol degradation by COFs were heterocyclic nitrogen location-dependent. Particularly, the photocatalytic performance for all three tested pollutants by five types of COFs followed the order of the best performance for COF-PDZ with two ortho position heterocyclic N atoms, medium for COF-PMD with two meta position heterocyclic N atoms, and COF-PZ with two para position heterocyclic N atoms, and COF-PD with a single heterocyclic N atom, the worst performance for COF-1 without a heterocyclic N atom. Compared to the other COFs, COF-PDZ contained improved quantum efficiency and thus enhanced generation of electrons. The lower energy barriers and larger energy gaps of COF-PDZ contributed to its improved quantum efficiencies. The stronger affinity to Cr(VI) with lower adsorption energy of COF-PDZ also contributed to its excellent Cr(VI) reduction performance. By transferring into a more stable keto form, COF-PDZ showed great stability through five regeneration and reuse cycles. Overall, this study provided an insight into the synthesis of high-performance structure-dependent COF-based photocatalysts.
Liu F, Ma Z, Deng Y, Wang M, Zhou P, Liu W, Guo S, Tong M, Ma D. Tunable Covalent Organic Frameworks with Different Heterocyclic Nitrogen Locations for Efficient Cr(VI) Reduction, Escherichia coli Disinfection, and Paracetamol Degradation under Visible-Light Irradiation. Environmental Science and Technology [Internet]. 2021;55(8):5371-5381. 访问链接Abstract
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have great application potentials in photocatalytic water treatment. By using p-phenylenediamine with different numbers and locations of heterocyclic nitrogen atoms as a precursor, five types of COFs with different nitrogen positions were synthesized. We found that Cr(VI) photoreduction,Escherichia coli inactivation, and paracetamol degradation by COFs were heterocyclic nitrogen location-dependent. Particularly, the photocatalytic performance for all three tested pollutants by five types of COFs followed the order of the best performance for COF-PDZ with two ortho position heterocyclic N atoms, medium for COF-PMD with two meta position heterocyclic N atoms, and COF-PZ with two para position heterocyclic N atoms, and COF-PD with a single heterocyclic N atom, the worst performance for COF-1 without a heterocyclic N atom. Compared to the other COFs, COF-PDZ contained improved quantum efficiency and thus enhanced generation of electrons. The lower energy barriers and larger energy gaps of COF-PDZ contributed to its improved quantum efficiencies. The stronger affinity to Cr(VI) with lower adsorption energy of COF-PDZ also contributed to its excellent Cr(VI) reduction performance. By transferring into a more stable keto form, COF-PDZ showed great stability through five regeneration and reuse cycles. Overall, this study provided an insight into the synthesis of high-performance structure-dependent COF-based photocatalysts. © 2021 American Chemical Society.
Tunable covalent organic frameworks with different heterocyclic nitrogen locations for efficient Cr (VI) reduction, Escherichia coli disinfection, and paracetamol degradation under visible-light irradiation. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2021. 访问链接
Gao T, Li X, Han L, Wu Y. Tunable synaptic devices based on ambipolar MoTe2 transistor, in 2021 5th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM). IEEE; 2021:1–3.
Zou Y, Yu W, Zhang L, Wu C, Xiao L, Ding L. Tuning the bandgap of double perovskites. JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS. 2021;42.
Wu J, Ma J, Wang Y, Wang J. Understanding and predicting the burst of burnout via social media. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. 2021;4:1–27.
Liu K, Zakharova N, Adeyilola A, Gentzis T, Carvajal-Ortiz H, Fowler H. Understanding the CO2 adsorption hysteresis under low pressure: An example from the Antrim Shale in the Michigan Basin: Preliminary observations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2021;203:108693. 访问链接Abstract
The gas adsorption hysteresis effects have strong implications for the characterization of the micropore structure, which is one of the most important properties of shales. This study describes one of the first investigations of low-pressure CO2 adsorption hysteresis illustrated on the Antrim Shale samples, Michigan Basin. A total of 23 samples were characterized by using a combination of X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Rock-Eval pyrolysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging and CO2 adsorption. The partial least linear regression (PLS) was employed to study the influence of rock composition on the micropore structures and hysteresis index (HI). The results showed that the micropore parameters (surface area and volume) are positively correlated to the amount of organic matter and clay minerals, and have a negative correlation to non-clay minerals. In the Antrim Shale samples, the CO2 adsorption hysteresis seen under low pressure appears to be controlled mainly by the pore network effect caused by the presence of ink-bottle shaped pores, rather than by the swelling of clays and organic matter.
Liu K, Jin Z, Zeng L, Ostadhassan M, Xu X. Understanding the creep behavior of shale via nano-DMA method. Energy Reports [Internet]. 2021;7:7478-7487. 访问链接Abstract
Understanding the creep behavior of shale is essential to precisely predict borehole instability issues and model fracturing of unconventional shale reservoirs. In this study, the creep behavior of shale in micron scale is investigated by integrating the nano-dynamic mechanical analysis (nano-DMA) grid nanoindentation (15 × 15 indents) and data clustering techniques. The results showed that the creep displacement, the creep rate, and hardness, both can be related through a logarithmic function with creep time. Furthermore, contact creep modulus increased as the hardness or Young’s modulus increased. The clustering analysis revealed that three separate phases are present in the samples where Phase 1(clay/organic matter) has the smallest contact creep modulus and Phase 3 (quartz) the largest. While creep is in progress, the creep displacement, hardness and contact creep modulus of all three phases obey the logarithmic function. Under the same creep time, reduction in the contact creep modulus of Phase 3 appears to be faster than Phase 1 while the creep rate of Phase 3 is much less than Phase 1. Ultimately, contact creep modulus is better correlated with hardness than Young’s modulus.
Han X, Chen K, Zhou Y, Qiu M, Fan C, Liu Y, Zhang T. A Unified Anomaly Detection Methodology for Lane-Following of Autonomous Driving Systems, in 2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). IEEE; 2021:836–844.
Yuan X, Liu Y, Zhao Q, Regula B, Thompson J, Gu M. Universal and operational benchmarking of quantum memories. npj Quantum Information. 2021;7(1):1-8.
Wang J, Wang X, Fan* X, Chen* PR. Unleashing the Power of Bond Cleavage Chemistry in Living Systems. ACS Central ScienceACS Central Science. 2021;7:929-943.
Li Y, Liu B, Ye J, Jia T, Khuzestani RB, Sun JY, Cheng X, Zheng Y, Li X, Wu C, et al. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds over a Subtropical Forest in China and Implications for Emission Heterogeneity. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 2021;5:247-256.
