
Gong K, Li L, Li J, Qin M, Wang X, Ying Q, Liao H, Guo S, Hu M, Zhang Y, et al. Quantifying the impacts of inter-city transport on air quality in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, China: Implications for regional cooperative controls of PM2.5 and O3. Science of the Total EnvironmentScience of the Total Environment. 2021;779.
Shao M, Wang W, Yuan B, Parrish DD, Li X, Lu K, Wu L, Wang X, Mo Z, Yang S, et al. Quantifying the role of PM2.5 dropping in variations of ground-level ozone: Inter-comparison between Beijing and Los Angeles. Science of The Total Environment [Internet]. 2021;788:147712. 访问链接Abstract
In recent decade the ambient fine particle (PM2.5) levels have shown a trend of distinct dropping in China, while ground-level ozone concentrations have been increasing in Beijing and many other Chinese mega-cities. The variation pattern in Los Angeles was markedly different, with PM2.5 and ozone decreasing together over past decades. In this study, we utilize observation-based methods to establish the parametric relationship between PM2.5 concentration and key aerosol physical properties (including aerosol optical depth and aerosol surface concentration), and an observation-based 1-D photochemical model to quantify the response of PM2.5 decline in enhancing ground-level ozone pollution over a large PM2.5 concentration range (10–120 μg m−3). We find that the significance of ozone enhancement due to PM2.5 dropping depends on both the PM2.5 levels and optical properties of particles. Ozone formation increased by 37% in 2006–2016 due to PM2.5 dropping in Beijing, while it becomes less important (7%) as PM2.5 reaches below 40 μg/m3, similar to Los Angeles since 1980s. Therefore, the two cities show the convergence of air pollutant characteristics. Hence a control strategy prioritizing reactive volatile organic compound abatement is projected to yield simultaneous ozone and PM2.5 reductions in Beijing, as experienced in Los Angeles.
Li B, Wang H, Cui K. Quantitative analysis of health insurance reform in China: Pure consolidation or universal health insurance?. Economic Modelling. 2021;101.Abstract
We quantify the macroeconomic and welfare effects of a social health insurance reform that occurred in China in 2016 using a two-sector model with endogenous rural-to-urban migrant workers. The calibrated model mimics the rural-to-urban migration and rural-urban wage gap from 2007 through 2016. We find that the health insurance reform depresses rural-to-urban migration and leads to reallocation of labor and capital in both the rural and urban sectors. As the result, we find that the consolidation of premium and reimbursement expands the rural-urban wage gap by approximately 6.8% but universal health insurance coveragenarrows the rural-urban wage gap by approximately 0.9%. Keeping the government deficit unchanged, the welfare results favor universal health insurance relative to pure consolidation.
Wang J, ge B, Chen X, Li J, Lu K, Dong Y, Kong L, Wang Z, Zhang Y. A quantitative decoupling analysis (QDA v1.0) method for the assessment of meteorological, emission and chemical contributions to fine particulate pollution. 2021.
Wang J, ge B, Chen X, Li J, Lu K, Dong Y, Kong L, Wang Z, Zhang Y. A quantitative decoupling analysis (QDA v1.0) method for the assessment of meteorological, emission and chemical contributions to fine particulate pollution. Geophsyical Model Development. 2021.
Yuan X, Sun J, Liu J, Zhao Q, Zhou Y. Quantum simulation with hybrid tensor networks. Physical Review Letters. 2021;127(4):040501.
Cheng Z, Lu W, Shi J, Tanaka D, Protik NH, Wang S, Iwaya M, Takeuchi T, Kamiyama S, Akasaki I. Quasi-ballistic thermal conduction in 6H–SiC. Materials Today Physics. 2021;20:100462.
Lian J, Jia J. A Quasi-experimental Study of Chinese University English Learners’ Engagement in a Flipped Classroom, in 29th International Conference on Computers in Education Conference, ICCE 2021 - Proceedings.Vol 1.; 2021:493-502. 访问链接
Li W-B. Quasisymmetric Embeddability of Weak Tangents. Ann. Fenn. Math. [Internet]. 2021;46(2):909–944. PDF
Random walks on Fibonacci treelike models. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications [Internet]. 2021. 访问链接
Random walks on the generalized Vicsek fractal. EPL [Internet]. 2021. 访问链接
Rapid increase in dichloromethane emissions from China inferred through atmospheric observations. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS [Internet]. 2021;2021(12):7279. 访问链接Abstract
With the successful implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the atmospheric abundance of ozone-depleting substances continues to decrease slowly and the Antarctic ozone hole is showing signs of recovery. However, growing emissions of unregulated short-lived anthropogenic chlorocarbons are offsetting some of these gains. Here, we report an increase in emissions from China of the industrially produced chlorocarbon, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2). The emissions grew from 231 (213–245) Gg yr−1 in 2011 to 628 (599–658) Gg yr−1 in 2019, with an average annual increase of 13 (12–15) %, primarily from eastern China. The overall increase in CH2Cl2 emissions from China has the same magnitude as the global emission rise of 354 (281−427) Gg yr−1 over the same period. If global CH2Cl2 emissions remain at 2019 levels, they could lead to a delay in Antarctic ozone recovery of around 5 years compared to a scenario with no CH2Cl2 emissions.
Liang J, Pylypchuk R, Tang X, Shen P, Liu X, Chen Y, Tan J, Wu J, Zhang J, Lu P, et al. Rationale, design and population description of the CREDENCE study: cardiovascular risk equations for diabetes patients from New Zealand and Chinese electronic health records. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2021;36:1085-1095.Abstract
The cardiovascular risk equations for diabetes patients from New Zealand and Chinese electronic health records (CREDENCE) study is a unique prospectively designed investigation of cardiovascular risk in two large contemporary cohorts of people with type 2 diabetes from New Zealand (NZ) and China. The study was designed to derive equivalent cardiovascular risk prediction equations in a developed and a developing country, using the same epidemiological and statistical methodology. Two similar cohorts of people with type 2 diabetes were identified from large general population studies in China and New Zealand, which had been generated from longitudinal electronic health record systems. The CREDENCE study aims to determine whether cardiovascular risk prediction equations derived in patients with type 2 diabetes in a developed country are applicable in a developing country, and vice versa, by deriving and validating equivalent diabetes-specific cardiovascular risk prediction models from the two countries. Baseline data in CREDENCE was collected from October 2004 in New Zealand and from January 2010 in China. In the first stage of CREDENCE, a total of 93,207 patients (46,649 from NZ and 46,558 from China) were followed until December 31st 2018. Median follow-up was 7.0 years (New Zealand) and 5.7 years (China). There were 5926 (7.7% fatal) CVD events in the New Zealand cohort and 3650 (8.8% fatal) in the Chinese cohort. The research results have implications for policy makers, clinicians and the public and will facilitate personalised management of cardiovascular risk in people with type 2 diabetes worldwide.
Gao Q, Wang H, Chang F, Yi H, Shi Y. Reading Achievement in China’s Rural Primary Schools: A Study of Three Provinces. Educational Studies [Internet]. 2021;47(3):344-368. 访问链接
Ozotta O, Ostadhassan M, Liu K, Liu B, Kolawole O, Hadavimoghaddam F. Reassessment of CO2 sequestration in tight reservoirs and associated formations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2021;206:109071. 访问链接Abstract
CO2 sequestration and CO2 enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) are two major processes that can expose the rock to CO2. The behavior of a rock when saturated with CO2 changes over time, affecting both the mechanical and chemical properties of the host rock. CO2 operation involves the injection and pressurization of reservoirs that usually results in changes to the state of in situ stresses that may initiate fractures. This can lead to slippage along pre-existing fracture and fault systems. CO2 storage in tight formations, either for EOR or sequestration purposes, is imperative to contribute to the current energy transition and mitigate climate change. Thus, injection of CO2 may alter the mineralogy, pore structure, mechanics, and other properties and behavior of tight reservoirs, and sometimes may be susceptible to leakage through induced fractures or reactivated faults. Here, we aim to evaluate and reassess studies on CO2 sequestration in tight reservoirs and associated formations. This report focuses on the changes in properties and behavior of tight rocks (shale and tight carbonate rocks) due to CO2 exposure through CO2 sequestration or CO2-EOR. We highlight the most important findings from available studies to date, and we recommend promising areas of research that can advance the knowledge and development of CO2 sequestration in tight formations.
Li P, Gao S, Liu Q, Ding P, Wu Y, Wang C, Yu S, Liu W, Wang Q, Chen S. Recent Progress of the Design and Engineering of Bismuth Oxyhalides for Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research [Internet]. 2021;2:2000097. 访问链接Abstract
Photocatalytic nitrogen fixation represents an effective technology for the artificial production of ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen, a critical step toward a sustainable economy. Bismuth oxyhalides (BiOX, X = Cl, Br, and I) have emerged as viable catalysts for photocatalytic reduction of nitrogen into ammonia, due to their unique electronic structures and optical properties. Herein, the recent progress of BiOX-based photocatalysts for nitrogen fixation, with a focus on the reaction mechanism and pathways, materials preparation, and strategies of structural engineering for enhanced performance, is summarized. The article is concluded with a perspective where the promises and challenges of bismuth-based photocatalysts for nitrogen reduction to ammonia are highlighted, along with possible future research directions.
Zhang M. Re-discovering Buddha's Land: The Transnational Formative Years of China's Indology. In: Translocal Lives and Religion: Connections between Asia and Europe in the Late Modern World. Sheffield: Equinox; 2021. pp. 149-168. 访问链接
Song H, Lu K, Dong HB, Tan Z, Chen S, Zeng L, Zhang Y. Reduced Aerosol Uptake of Hydroperoxyl Radical May Increase the Sensitivity of Ozone Production to Volatile Organic Compounds. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2021.
Yu H, Pan M, Sun R, Agunawela I, Zhang J*, Li Y, Qi Z, Han H, Zou X, Zhou W, et al. Regio-Regular Polymer Acceptors Enabled by Determined Fluorination on End Groups for All-Polymer Solar Cells with 15.2 % Efficiency. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. [Internet]. 2021;60:10137-10146. [Read Online]Abstract
Abstract Polymerization sites of small molecule acceptors (SMAs) play vital roles in determining device performance of all-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs). Different from our recent work about fluoro- and bromo- co-modified end group of IC-FBr (a mixture of IC-FBr1 and IC-FBr2), in this paper, we synthesized and purified two regiospecific fluoro- and bromo- substituted end groups (IC-FBr-o & IC-FBr-m), which were then employed to construct two regio-regular polymer acceptors named PYF-T-o and PYF-T-m, respectively. In comparison with its isomeric counterparts named PYF-T-m with different conjugated coupling sites, PYF-T-o exhibits stronger and bathochromic absorption to achieve better photon harvesting. Meanwhile, PYF-T-o adopts more ordered inter-chain packing and suitable phase separation after blending with the donor polymer PM6, which resulted in suppressed charge recombination and efficient charge transport. Strikingly, we observed a dramatic performance difference between the two isomeric polymer acceptors PYF-T-o and PYF-T-m. While devices based on PM6:PYF-T-o can yield power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 15.2?%, devices based on PM6:PYF-T-m only show poor efficiencies of 1.4?%. This work demonstrates the success of configuration-unique fluorinated end groups in designing high-performance regular polymer acceptors, which provides guidelines towards developing all-PSCs with better efficiencies.
Hu B, Ding Y, Dong X, Bu Y, Ding Y. On the relationship between download and citation counts: An introduction of Granger-causality inference. Journal of Informetrics. 2021;15(2):101125.
