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Korzick DH, Xiao R-P, Ziman BD, Koch WJ, Lefkowitz RJ, Lakatta EG. Transgenic manipulation of β-adrenergic receptor kinase modifies cardiac myocyte contraction to norepinephrine. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 1997;(1):H590-H596.
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"Dragon Washbasin Phemomem" refers to the water in a DragonWashbasin --- a circular basin that can spray arter by rubbing it --- which was studied by use of the particle image velocimetry technique and other visualization methods. instead of using hands to rub the cicular Dragon Washbasin, two vibrators were used. Along with change of the vibration frequency the surface wave and the velocity of fields of the water in the washbasin were measured and visualized. The experimental results suggest that when the frequency is far away from the natural frequency of the basin with water, the shape of the surface wave is regular and spray does not occur; when the vibration frequency is near the natural frequecy the surface wave becomes irregular and spray occurs. Although the seiche wave can be excited in the meantime the spray will be checked.
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