
Yang S, Chen Q, Zheng T, Chen Y, Zhao X, He Y, Sun W, Zhong S, Li Z, Wang J. Multiple metal(loid) contamination reshaped the structure and function of soil archaeal community. Journal of Hazardous MaterialsJournal of Hazardous Materials. 2022;436.Abstract
Archaea are important participants in biogeochemical cycles of metal(loid)-polluted ecosystems, whereas archaeal structure and function in response to metal(loid) contamination remain poorly understood. Here, the effects of multiple metal(loid) pollution on the structure and function of archaeal communities were investigated in three zones within an abandoned sewage reservoir. We found that the high-contamination zone (Zone I) had higher archaeal diversity but a lower habitat niche breadth, relative to the mid-contamination zone (Zone II) and low-contamination zone (Zone III). Particularly, metal-resistant species represented by potential methanogens were markedly enriched in Zone I (cumulative relative abundance: 32.24%) compared to Zone II (1.93%) and Zone III (0.10%), and closer inter-taxon connections and higher network complexity (based on node number, edge number, and degree) were also observed compared to other zones. Meanwhile, the higher abundances of potential metal-resistant and methanogenic functions in Zone I (0.24% and 9.24%, respectively) than in Zone II (0.08% and 7.52%) and Zone III (0.01% and 1.03%) suggested archaeal functional adaptation to complex metal (loid) contamination. More importantly, six bioavailable metal(loid)s (titanium, tin, nickel, chromium, cobalt, and zinc) were the main contributors to archaeal community variations, and metal(loid) pollution reinforced the role of deterministic processes, particularly homogeneous selection, in the archaeal community assembly.
Pan W, Gong S, Lu K, Zhang L, Xie S, Liu Y, Huabing K, Zhang X, Zhang Y. Multi-scale analysis of the impacts of meteorology and emissions on PM2.5 and O3 trends at various regions in China from 2013 to 2020 3. Mechanism assessment of O3 trends by a model. Science of The Total Environment. 2022;857:159592.
Li X, Sun Y, Wu X, Chen J*. Multi-Speaker Pitch Tracking via Embodied Self-Supervised Learning, in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Singapore City, Singapore; 2022:8257–8261. 代码链接
Wu K, Liu X, Dai H, Zhang S, Zhou Z, Ma T, Guo C, He* X, Fang* Y. Mutual effects of CO2 emission reduction and air pollution control policies in beijing-tianjin-hebei region. Frontiers in Environmental Science [Internet]. 2022;10. 访问链接
Guo H, Li X, Yang W, Yao Z, Mei Y, Peng LE, Yang Z, Shao S, Tang CY. Nanofiltration for drinking water treatment: a review. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. 2022:1-18.
Shao L, Yagi K. Neutron stars as extreme laboratories for gravity tests. Sci. Bull. 2022;67:1946–1949.
Liu C, Shao L. Neutron Star–Neutron Star and Neutron Star–Black Hole Mergers: Multiband Observations and Early Warnings. Astrophys. J. 2022;926:158.
Fan J, Sun X, Liu Y, Zhao D, Hao X, Liu W, Cai Z. New insight into environmental photochemistry of PAHs induced by dissolved organic matters: A model of naphthalene in seawater. Process Safety and Environmental Protection [Internet]. 2022;161:325-333. 访问链接Abstract
The photochemical behavior of a model PAH, naphthalene, was investigated under simulated sunlight irradiation with different dissolved organic matter (DOM) in seawater. The results revealed that naphthalene was prone to direct photolysis (Φd = 1.34 × 10-3) and could be degraded by 3DOM*/1O2-induced reactions with fulvic acid (FA) and humic acid (HA) at low concentrations. However, the DOM at a high level dramatically decreased the kobs due to the higher light attenuation and radical competition effect. The presence of FA resulted in lower 3DOM*/1O2 generation and quantum yield compared with HA, but it achieved higher degradation kinetics due to the higher reactivity between 3FA* and naphthalene and their lower binding effect. The naphthalene degradation in natural water with different depths and DOM were modeled based on the experimental results, which revealed the important role of indirect photolysis initiated by inorganic constituents. Moreover, several degradation intermediates were identified by GC-MS and three possible pathways were proposed. The Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSAR) evaluation revealed that some intermediates are more toxic than original naphthalene. This study offers further insights into the photochemical behavior of PAHs, which will facilitate our understanding of the persistence and ecological risks of organic contaminants in natural waters.
Jia L, Wu W, Zhou Q, Li Y, Wu W. New insights on the synergetic removal of nutrients and sulfonamides in solid carbon/manganese ore supported denitrification system: 1Water quality, microbial community and antibiotic resistance genes. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2022;446.Abstract
The solid carbon source (poly-3-hydroxybutyrate co 3 hyroxyvalerate, PHBV) and manganese oxide mineral (Mn ore) were proposed firstly as co-substrates for eliminating nutrients and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) in this study. Results showed that high-rate nitrate and phosphate removal could be achieved in PHBV/Mn ore systems with the average efficiencies of 90% and 66.7%, respectively, although the addition of SMX decreased denitrification performance by 4.5-10.5%. SMX was removed mainly via biodegradation of enriched denitrifying microbes, with the average removal efficiency of 20-50% in PHBV/Mn ore systems, which was higher than that in PHBV systems. The existence of Mn ore markedly shaped the microbial community structure, leading to the dominant bacteria transforming from Microscillaceae to Sporomusaceae. The genera of Geobactor, Desulfovibrio and Anaerovorax were found to maintain the stability of microbial system as keystone species. Surprisingly, large amount of Mn(II) was accumulated, which not only verify the involvement of Mn cycling in decontamination process, but also might explain the propagation of ARGs (tnpA-04 and tnpA-05) in host microorganisms. Therefore, the optimized mixture proportion of PHBV and Mn ore should be further estimated avoiding Mn (II) accumulation in the effluent. On the whole, these results might shed light on new insight for advanced treatment of nutrients and emerging pollutants in biofilm reactors.
Peng S, Luo Y, Cai H, Zhang X, Wang Z. A new list of threatened woody species in China under future global change scenarios. BiodiversityScienceBiodiversity Science. 2022;30:21459-.Abstract
<p id="p00010">The world is currently experiencing a biodiversity crisis, and climate and land-cover changes are now recognized as two major threats to biodiversity. China is one of the mega-biodiversity countries and the threatened species list of China&#x02019;s higher plants was reported in 2017. This list provided important data for biological conservation and protected area planning from regional to global scales. However, it was mainly based on the past and current status of species population and distribution, while future responses of species to climate and land-cover changes were rarely considered. This will lead to an underestimation of future local extinction risks. Using high-resolution species distribution data of woody plants and species distribution models, we evaluated the impacts of climate and land-cover changes on woody species distributions and estimated changes in the extent of occurrence (EOA) for each species. Our results indicate that 12.9%-40.5% of woody species will be threatened under different climate and dispersal scenarios. Based on these results, we updated the list of threatened woody species in China based on the IUCN Red List Criteria. This new list of threatened woody species provides important data for assessing the conservation priorities of woody plants, for the planning of future nature reserve extension, for improving the performance of nature reserves under future global change scenarios, and for updating the list of threatened species of other taxa.</p><table-wrap id="T2"><label/><caption xml:lang="en"><p id="p00020"><strong>Database/Dataset Profile</strong></p></caption><table><thead></thead><tbody><tr><td valign="top" align="justify" style="border-top:1px solid #000;border-bottom:1px solid #000;">Title</td><td valign="top" align="justify" style="border-top:1px solid #000;border-bottom:1px solid #000;">A new list of threatened woody species in China under future global change scenarios</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="justify" style="border-top:1px solid #000;" width="230">Authors</td><td valign="top" align="justify" style="border-top:1px solid #000;">Shijia Peng, Yuan Luo, Hongyu Cai, Xiaoling Zhang, Zhiheng Wang</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="justify">Corresponding author</td><td valign="top" align="justify">Zhiheng Wang (zhiheng.wang@pku.edu.cn)</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="justify">Time range</td><td valign="top" align="justify">Current-2070</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="justify">Geographical scope</td><td valign="top" align="justify">China</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="justify">File size</td><td valign="top" align="justify">2.06 MB</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="justify">Data format</td><td valign="top" align="justify">*.xlsx</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="justify">Data link</td><td valign="top" align="justify"><a href="http://dataopen.info/home/datafile/index/id/256">http://dataopen.info/home/datafile/index/id/256</a><br><a href="http://doi.org/10.24899/do.202205002">http://doi.org/10.24899/do.202205002</a><br><a href="https://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/1005-0094/DATA/2021459.zip">https://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/1005-0094/DATA/2021459.zip</a></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="justify" style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">Database/Dataset <br>composition</td><td valign="top" align="justify" style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">The dataset consists of two data files: (1) The classification of 11,405 woody plant species as threatened or non-threatened under current (Qin et al, <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b17">2017</xref>) and future climate and dispersal change scenarios in China (1: Threatened species; 0: Non-threatened species); (2) The conservation status of 11,405 woody species under current (Qin et al, <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b17">2017</xref>) and future climate and dispersal change scenarios (EX: Extinction; CR: Critically Endangered; EN: Endangered; VU: Vulnerable; LC: Least Concern).</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>
Xue T, Geng G, Meng X, Ciao Q, Zheng Y, Gong J, Liu J, Wan W, Zhang Q, Kan H, et al. New WHO global air quality guidelines help prevent premature deaths in China. National Science Review [Internet]. 2022;9(4):55. 访问链接
Huang D, Brodholt J, Sossi P, Li Y, Murakami M. Nitrogen Speciation in Silicate Melts at Mantle Conditions From Ab Initio Simulations. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. 2022;49. 访问链接Abstract
Nitrogen (N) is a major ingredient of the atmosphere, but a trace component in the silicate Earth. Its initial inventory in these reservoirs during Earth's early differentiation requires knowledge of N speciation in magmas, for example, whether it outgasses as N 2 or is sequestered in silicate melts as N 3− , which remains largely unconstrained over the entire mantle regime. Here we examine N species in anhydrous and hydrous pyrolitic melts at varying P‐T‐redox conditions by ab‐initio calculations, and find N‐N bonding under oxidizing conditions from ambient to lower mantle pressures. Under reducing conditions, N interacts with the silicate network or forms N‐H bonds, depending on the availability of hydrogen. Redox control of N speciation is demonstrated valid over a P‐T space encompassing probable magma ocean depths. Finally, if the Earth accreted from increasingly oxidized materials toward the end of its accretion, an N‐enriched secondary atmosphere might be produced and persist until later impacts.
Tatematsu K'ichi, Yeh Y-T, Hirano N, Liu S-Y, Liu T, Dutta S, Sahu D, Evans, Neal J. II, Juvela M, Yi H-weon, et al. Nobeyama Survey of Inward Motions toward Cores in Orion Identified by SCUBA-2. \apj. 2022;931:33.
Chong M-Z, Zhao J, Yin L-Z, Han F-Y, Zhang C-Q, Liu* P-K. Nonlinear modulation of terahertz waves based on a MAPbI3/Gold/SiHybrid Plasmon-Induced Transparency (PIT) metasurface. Optical Materials. 2022;129:112554.
Xiong X, Kang J, Liu S, Tong A, Fu T, Li X, HUANG R, Wu Y. Nonvolatile logic and ternary content-addressable memory based on complementary black phosphorus and rhenium disulfide Transistors. Advanced Materials. 2022;34:2106321.
Pan R, Ren T, Guo B, Li F, Li G, Wang H. A Note on Distributed Quantile Regression by Pilot Sampling and One-Step Updating. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics [Internet]. 2022;40:1691–1700. 访问链接Abstract
Quantile regression is a method of fundamental importance. How to efficiently conduct quantile regression for a large dataset on a distributed system is of great importance. We show that the popularly used one-shot estimation is statistically inefficient if data are not randomly distributed across different workers. To fix the problem, a novel one-step estimation method is developed with the following nice properties. First, the algorithm is communication efficient. That is the communication cost demanded is practically acceptable. Second, the resulting estimator is statistically efficient. That is its asymptotic covariance is the same as that of the global estimator. Third, the estimator is robust against data distribution. That is its consistency is guaranteed even if data are not randomly distributed across different workers. Numerical experiments are provided to corroborate our findings. A real example is also presented for illustration.
Luo J, Xu W, Fu B, Yu Z, Yang M, Li Y, Huang Q, HUANG R. A Novel Ambipolar Ferroelectric Tunnel FinFET based Content Addressable Memory with Ultra-low Hardware Cost and High Energy Efficiency for Machine Learning. 2022 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI Technology and Circuits). 2022:226-227.
Pande P, Shrivastava M, Shilling JE, Zelenyuk A, Zhang Q, Chen Q, Ng NL, Zhang Y, Takeuchi M, Nah T, et al. Novel application of machine learning techniques for rapid source apportionment of Aerosol Mass Spectrometer datasets. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 2022.
Fu Z, Wang K, Fu B, Xu S, Zheng H, Luo J, Su C, Xu W, Lv X, Huang Q. Novel Energy-efficient Hafnia-based Ferroelectric Processing-in-Sensor with in-situ Motion Detection and Four-quarter Mutipilcation. 2022 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). 2022:24.5. 1-24.5. 4.
Luo J, Shao H, Fu B, Fu Z, Xu W, Wang K, Yang M, Li Y, Lv X, Huang Q. Novel Ferroelectric Tunnel FinFET based Encryption-embedded Computing-in-Memory for Secure AI with High Area-and Energy-Efficiency. 2022 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). 2022:36.5. 1-36.5. 4.
