
Ru Huang, Jin Luo TLQH. Method for implementing adaptive stochastic spiking neuron based on ferroelectric field effect transistor. 2024.
Xu L, Li K, Bai X, Zhang G, Tian X, Tang Q, Zhang M, Hu M, Huang Y. Microplastics in the atmosphere: Adsorb on leaves and their effects on the phyllosphere bacterial community. Journal of Hazardous Materials [Internet]. 2024;462:132789. 访问链接Abstract
Phyllosphere is the largest interface between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems and serves as a major sink for atmospheric microplastics (MPs). It is also a unique habitat for microbiota with diverse ecological functions. This field study investigated the characteristics of atmospheric MPs adsorbed on leaves with automatic technology, and found their abundance was 3.62 ± 1.29 items cm−2. MPs on leaves were mainly below 80 µm, and dominated by polyamide, polyethene, and rubber. MPs on leaves correlated significantly with the structure and functions of the phyllosphere bacterial community (PBC). Both the MPs abundance and size distribution (MSD) were positively correlated with the α diversity and negatively correlated with the β diversity and network complexity of PBC. PBC functions of environmental and genetic information process were negatively correlated with MPs abundance, and functions related to human diseases and cellular process were positively correlated with MSD significantly. The relative abundance of Sphingomonas was significantly correlated with the MSD, suggesting that Sphingomonas might emerge as the key genus involved in the pathogenicity of PBC mediated by MPs. These results highlighted the ecological health risks of atmospheric MPs as they can be transferred anywhere and potentially increase the pathogenicity of local phyllosphere microflora.
Wang K, Ge Y, Baug T. The Milky Way Atlas for Linear Filaments. A&A [Internet]. 2024;686:L11. 访问链接
Xu X, Wang K, Gou Q, Baug T, Di Li, Zhongshi Wang, Duan C, Lei J. The Milky Way atlas for linear filaments II. clump rotation versus filament orientation. MNRAS [Internet]. 2024;535:940. 访问链接
Zheng Z, Wang H, Chen X, Wang J, Fan S, Li X, Lu K, G.-H. Y, Huang X. A mini broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer for nitrogen dioxide measurement on the unmanned aerial vehicle platform. Atmospheric environment. 2024;(Mar.):321.
Zhou W, Chen Y. A mixed cell compressed sparse row for time domain boundary element method in elastodynamics. Advances in Engineering SoftwareAdvances in Engineering Software. 2024;192.
Zhang J, Zhu M, Lloyd JR, Shaw S, Coker VS, Xie J, Wen K, Lee S, Goût TL, Hao J, et al. The Mobility of Mo during Microbially Mediated Ferrihydrite Phase Transformation. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接Abstract
Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential nutrient for almost all organisms. However, at high concentrations, it can be toxic to animals and plants. This study investigated the interactions of Mo(VI) with iron oxyhydroxides during ferrihydrite bioreduction in the presence of Fe(III)-reducing Geobacter sulfurreducens. Here, we showed that Mo concentration controlled ferrihydrite phase transformation, leading to Mo release. With the biotic reduction of ferrihydrite and Fe(II) production, Mo(VI) reduction and Mo(IV)O2 formation were observed for the first time, which further immobilized Mo after surface adsorption of Mo(VI). At low Mo levels (Mo/Fe molar ratios of 1–2%), sufficient Fe(II) adsorption onto ferrihydrite resulted in its transformation into magnetite nanoparticles (>80%, ∼25 nm), which catalyzed the reduction of Mo(VI) to form Mo(IV)O2 and immobilized Mo. Contrastingly, at high Mo concentrations (Mo/Fe molar ratios of 5–10%), Mo(VI)O42– adsorption onto ferrihydrite limited Fe(II) adsorption; subsequently, less magnetite (<8–12%) formed while more goethite (∼30–50%, width and length >15 and 100 nm, respectively) and siderite (∼20–30%, width and length >100 and 200 nm, respectively) with larger particle sizes formed instead, causing Mo(VI) release due to lower Mo adsorption. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the interaction mechanisms among Geobacter sulfurreducens, Mo(VI), and iron oxyhydroxides, enabling predictions and controls of long-term Mo mobility and Fe mineral transformation under a variety of biogeochemical scenarios.
Chen C, Li L, Zhang S, Liu* J, Wania* F. Modeling Global Environmental Fate and Quantifying Global Source–Receptor Relationships of Short-, Medium-, and Long-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins. Environmental Science & Technology Letters [Internet]. 2024;11(6):626-633. 访问链接
Huang Q, Lu H, Li J, Ying Q, Gao Y, Wang H, Guo S, Lu K, Qin M, Hu J. Modeling the molecular composition of secondary organic aerosol under highly polluted conditions: A case study in the Yangtze River Delta Region in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2024;938.
Huang Q, Lu H, Li J, Ying Q, Gao Y, Wang H, Guo S, Lu K, Qin M, Hu J. Modeling the molecular composition of secondary organic aerosol under highly polluted conditions: A case study in the Yangtze River Delta Region in China. Science of The Total Environment [Internet]. 2024;938:173327. 访问链接Abstract
A near-explicit mechanism, the master chemical mechanism (MCMv3.3.1), coupled with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model (CMAQ-MCM-SOA), was applied to investigate the characteristics of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) during a pollution event in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region in summer 2018. Model performances in predicting explicit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), organic aerosol (OA), secondary organic carbon (SOC), and other related pollutants in Taizhou, as well as ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in multiple cities in this region, were evaluated against observations and model predictions by the CMAQ model coupled with a lumped photochemical mechanism (SAPRC07tic, S07). MCM and S07 exhibited similar performances in predicting gaseous species, while MCM better captured the observed PM2.5 and inorganic aerosols. Both models underpredicted OA concentrations. When excluding data during biomass burning events, SOC concentrations were underpredicted by the CMAQ-MCM-SOA model (−28.4 %) and overpredicted by the CMAQ-S07 model (134.4 %), with better agreement with observations in the trend captured by the CMAQ-MCM-SOA model. Dicarbonyl SOA accounted for a significant fraction of total SOA in the YRD, while organic nitrates originating from aromatics were the most abundant species contributing to the SOA formation from gas-particle partitioning. The oxygen-to‑carbon ratio (O/C) for SOA and OA were 0.68–0.75 and 0.20–0.65, respectively, indicating a higher oxidation state in the areas influenced by biogenic emissions. Finally, the phase state of SOA was examined by calculating the glass transition temperature (Tg) based on its molecular composition. It was found that semi-solid state characterized SOA in the YRD, which could potentially impact their chemical transformation and lifetimes along with those of their precursors.
Ji Z, Xie J. The moduli space of a rational map is Carathéodory hyperbolic. [Internet]. 2024. pdf
Niu J, Zhang K. Molecular-scale insights into nanoconfined water-CO2 interactions in geological carbon storage. Chemical Engineering Science [Internet]. 2024;299:120457. 访问链接Abstract
Understanding the nanoconfined water-CO2 interactions at the molecular scale is of great importance for the fluid transport in confined porous media. Here, a series typical water film and water bridge scenarios are determined, and the associated impacts on nanoconfined water-CO2 interactions as well as the geological hydrocarbon recovery and CO2 storage are investigated in nanopores. Our results confirm either in water film or water bridge scenarios, the competitive adsorptions of nanoconfined water and CO2 reduce the adsorbed water amount and derive the new water bridge with CO2 additions. Such a phenomenon indicates the substrate surface shifts from water-wet to partially CO2-wet, with lower fluid molecule diffusions and illite-water-CO2 sandwich-structured adsorption layer. Overall, our work investigates the mechanism of CO2 effects on distributions and aggregations of nanoconfined water molecules in nanopores, which also provides molecular-scale insights into the nanoconfined water-CO2 interactions in the processes of geological CO2 storage and utilization.
Fu Z, Guo S, Xie HB, Zhou P, Boy M, Yao M, Hu M. A Near-Explicit Reaction Mechanism of Chlorine-Initiated Limonene: Implications for Health Risks Associated with the Concurrent Use of Cleaning Agents and Disinfectants. Environmental Science and Technology. 2024.
Gu J. Neighborhood Does Matter: Farmers’ Local Social Interactions and Land Rental Behaviors in China. Land [Internet]. 2024;13(1):76. 访问链接Abstract
The transfer of farmland is an important area of rural development research; however, the impact of rural social networks has been neglected in studies. The aim of this study is to explore the effects, mechanisms, and heterogeneity of neighbors’ behavior on the process of land renting by farmers. Based on the data of the China Family Panel Studies in 2018, this research empirically analyzes the impact of community-level, local social interactions on the land rental behavior of farmers and its mechanisms using a spatial probit model. The results of this study indicate that neighbors’ land rental behavior positively and significantly affects that of other farmers in the same village. In addition, neighbors’ land rental encourages other farmers in the same village to follow suit through an increase in the perceived importance of the Internet among the farmers. In addition, there is heterogeneity in neighborhood influence. Notably, the impact of social networks on the renting out of the land by farmers, as evidenced in this study, is a key factor in accelerating the circulation of rural land and promoting rural development, thus contributing to the process of rural revitalization and its recording in the literature.
Jing Y, Sun Y, Wu M, Zhu Z, Zhou J, HUANG R, Ye L, Jia T. NeRF-Learner: A 2.79mJ/Frame NeRF-SLAM Processor with Unified Inference/Training Compute-in-Memory for Large-Scale Neural Rendering, in 50th European Solid-State Electronics Research Conference (ESSERC).; 2024.
Dong Y, Wang Z, Shao L. New limits on the local Lorentz invariance violation of gravity in the standard model extension with pulsars. Phys. Rev. D. 2024;109:084024.
Zheng M, Zhang T, Xiang Y, Tang X, Wang Y, Geng G, Wang Y, Liu YJ, Ye C, Yan C, et al. A Newly Established Air Pollution Data Center in China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接Abstract
Air pollution in China covers a large area with complex sources and formation mechanisms, making it a unique place to conduct air pollution and atmospheric chemistry research. The National Natural Science Foundation of China's Major Research Plan entitled “Fundamental Researches on the Formation and Response Mechanism of the Air Pollution Complex in China” (or the Plan) has funded 76 research projects to explore the causes of air pollution in China, and the key processes of air pollution in atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry. In order to summarize the abundant data from the Plan and exhibit the long-term impacts domestically and internationally, an integration project is responsible for collecting the various types of data generated by the 76 projects of the Plan. This project has classified and integrated these data, forming eight categories containing 258 datasets and 15 technical reports in total. The integration project has led to the successful establishment of the China Air Pollution Data Center (CAPDC) platform, providing storage, retrieval, and download services for the eight categories. This platform has distinct features including data visualization, related project information querying, and bilingual services in both English and Chinese, which allows for rapid searching and downloading of data and provides a solid foundation of data and support for future related research. Air pollution control in China, especially in the past decade, is undeniably a global exemplar, and this data center is the first in China to focus on research into the country's air pollution complex.
Huang D, Siebert J, Sossi P, Kubik E, Avice G, Murakami M. Nitrogen sequestration in the core at megabar pressure and implications for terrestrial accretion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Internet]. 2024;376:100–112. 访问链接Abstract
Nitrogen (N) is the most abundant element in Earth's atmosphere, but is extremely depleted in the silicate Earth. However, it is not clear whether core sequestration or early atmospheric loss was responsible for this depletion. Here we study the effect of core formation on the inventory of nitrogen using laser-heated diamond anvil cells. We find that, due to the simultaneous dissolution of oxygen in the metal, N becomes much less siderophile (iron-loving) at pressures and temperatures up to 104 GPa and 5000 K, a thermodynamic condition relevant to the bottom of the magma ocean in the aftermath of the moon-forming giant impact. Using a core–mantle–atmosphere coevolution model, we show that the impact-induced processes (core formation and/or atmospheric loss) are unlikely to account for the observed N anomaly, which is instead best explained by the accretion of mainly N-poor impactors. The terrestrial volatile pattern requires severe N depletion on precursor bodies, prior to their accretion to the proto-Earth.
Zhang K, Shen S-L, Wu H, Zhou A. Nitsche-based material point method for large deformation frictional contact problems. Computational Particle Mechanics [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接
Liao X*, Liu X-Y*, Wang A-Q, Yin Q, Zhao T-Y, Liao Z-M†. Nonlinear valley and spin valves in bilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. Applied [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接
