
陈睿, 谢新洲. 面向对象信息系统的新思维──继承性推理中的F*-logic方法. 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 1995;(2):101-104+128.Abstract
本文在F-logic的基础上提出了合理、完备、具有一阶语义和高阶表示能力的逻辑系统F ̄*-logic,研究了用F ̄*-logic在保持单调性的前提下进行继承性推理的方法,解决了在继承性推理中由于重置、例外和多重继承下的冲突所引起的难题。
闵维方, 丁小浩, 郭苏热. 高等院校系和专业的规模效益研究. 教育研究. 1995;(7):7-12.Abstract
严家炎. 鲁迅与表现主义——兼论《故事新编》的艺术特征. 中国社会科学. 1995;(2):141-153.Abstract
林毅夫. 90年代中国农村改革的主要问题与展望. 管理世界. 1994;(3):139-144.Abstract
一、中国农村改革的成就与面临的新问题 中国农村改革与发展取得了举世瞩目的成就。在组织与制度创新方面,打破了单一公有制的所有制格局,以合作制为主体,多种所有制并存且相互交融的格局已基本形成;集中度颇高效率却很低下的传统计划机制随着其组织载体——人民公社的解体,对农业生产经营和流通的影响力大大下降,市场机制在农村资源配置中的作用则越来越明显,政府也正在着力进行利用经济参数调控市场的尝试。在经济增长方面,联产承包责任制的广泛推行有力地加速了农业增长,1978~1992年,农业总产值年均增长速度达到了5.9%,增长速度最低的1984~1988年间也达到了4.1%,分别超过了对应时期人口的增长率(1.4%、1.6%)3.5个和2.5个百分点,这不但一举结束了多年来农产品总供给始终不足的历史,而且较为明显地改善了城乡居民的膳食结构;乡镇企业的异军突起改变了农村的产业结构,也促进了农村居民收入的增长。
Tu Y. Absence of finite upper critical dimension in the spherical Kardar-Parisi-Zhang model. Physical Review Letters. 1994;(23):3109-3112.
Tu Y. Absence of finite upper critical dimension in the spherical Kardar-Parisi-Zhang model. Physical Review Letters. 1994;(23):3109-3112.
Xiao R-P, Spurgeon HA, O'Connor F, Lakatta EG. Age-associated changes in β-adrenergic modulation on rat cardiac excitation-contraction coupling. Journal of Clinical Investigation [Internet]. 1994;(5):2051-2059. 访问链接
葛云龙, 焦育宁, 杨院生, 刘传胜, 刘清民, 胡壮麟. Bi System Superconducting Fibres by the Laser-heated Pedestal Growth Method in Stable Magnetic Field. Chinese Science Bulletin. 1994;(6):475-479.Abstract
1 Introduction The technology of the laser-heated pedestal growth (LHPG) in making single crystalsand fibres is based on the Czochralski technique, which makes use of a laser as heaterto produce all kinds of high melting temperature oxide single crystal materials. Inthe early 1980s, the Bell Laboratory in USA produeed some kinds of single cryatalsand fibres having special properties by using this technique. Since 1986, high-T_csuperconducing fibres have been produced in many laboratories of LHPG insome countries, and the Institute of Metal Research, Academia Sinica,also built an experimental apparatus financially supported by the NationalSuperconducting Centre specially to study the superconducor.
厉以宁. B股对内开放利大于弊. 山东金融. 1994;(2):42.Abstract
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Cross MC, Meiron D, Tu Y. Chaotic domains: A numerical investigation. Chaos. 1994;(4):607-620.
Cross MC, Meiron D, Tu Y. Chaotic domains: A numerical investigation. Chaos. 1994;(4):607-620.
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Rao Y. Conversion of a mesodermalizing molecule, the Xenopus Brachyury gene, into a neuralizing factor. Genes and Development [Internet]. 1994;(8):939-947. 访问链接
Niu Q, Wang T, Kirk WP. Deep centers as atomic-size quantum dot electron turnstiles. Superlattices and Microstructures. 1994;(4):399-401.
Kong D, Masker W. Deletion between direct repeats in T7 DNA stimulated by double-strand breaks. [Internet]. 1994;(19):5904-5911. 访问链接
谢新洲, 王益明. DIALOG的创始人──—萨米特. 情报理论与实践. 1994;(2):51-52.Abstract
Du RR, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Yeh AS, Pfeiffer LN, West KW. Drastic enhancement of composite fermion mass near landau level filling v = 1/2. Physical Review Letters. 1994;(24):3274-3277.
Xiao R-P, Cheng H, Lederer WJ, Suzuki T, Lakatta EG. Dual regulation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II activity by membrane voltage and by calcium influx. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 1994;(20):9659-9663. 访问链接
