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<正> 只要拨号进入互联网络,然后再键入几个判断正确的信号,一个年轻的美国空军上尉就可以开创战争史上一个具有潜在毁灭性的新纪元。这是1995年9月进行的一次秘密试验的情况。他的目标就是要篡夺美国海军大西洋舰队的指挥权。 当这个年轻的军官试图做昔日苏联早就想做但却未能做到的事情时,在座观看的五角大楼的要人们都持怀疑态度。他马上就要进入美国海军战舰的核心部位——指挥和控制系统了。 除了一台在商店买的计算机和调制解调器外,他没有任何
Liu L, Wang R, Lai L, Li C. 3D-QSAR and pharmacophore modeling of growth hormone secretagogues. Acta Physico - Chimica Sinica. 1997;(12):1096-.
Shi J, Awschalom DD, Petroff PM, Babcock K. Assembly and imaging of submicron ferromagnets in GaAs (invited). Journal of Applied Physics. 1997;(8 PART 2A):4331-4335.
Qu L-J, Zhang Y, Xie M, Gu H, Chen Z-L. A chalcone synthase-like cDNA from rice anther. Sexual Plant Reproduction. 1997;(3):181-183.
Zheng M*, Wan TSM, Fang M, Wang F. Characterization of the non-volatile organic compounds in the aerosols of Hong Kong— identification, abundance and origin. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 1997;31:227 - 237. LINKAbstract
The non-volatile solvent-extractable organic compounds (lipids) of biogenic and anthropogenic origins were isolated from total suspended particulates (TSP) samples collected during the winter months of 1993 in Hong Kong. They were characterized and quantified according to the following classes: n-alkanes, polycychc aromatic hydrocarbons, n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanols, and biomarkers such as triterpanes. Flash column chromatography technique was used to effectively separate the PAH from the samples and a recovery of better than 90% was achieved. It was found that almost all samples contained anthropogenic contributions and the levels were relatively high compared to earlier studies carried out in China [Simoneit et al. (1991) Atmospheric Environment25A, 2111–2129]. The results from the six different sampling stations suggested that mobile combustion sources constituted 39–63% of all the non-volatile solvent-extractable organics. In addition, there is evidence that the contribution of emissions from kitchens is significant due to the characteristic Chinese stir-frying cooking process The six stations can be divided into three different categories: urban, rural and heavily influenced by traffic. The identification, abundance and source of these organic compounds are also discussed.
Li SM, Macdonald AM, Strapp JW, Lee YN, Zhou XL. Chemical and physical characterizations of atmospheric aerosols over southern California. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 1997;102:21341-21353.Abstract
In September 1994 the chemical and physical properties of aerosol particles over southern California were characterized. Concentrations of particle chemical species were higher near the surface than at higher altitudes. In these particles, measured organic and inorganic water soluble masses were 7 +/- 1% and 75 +/- 12%, respectively, of the dried total particle mass (TPM). Non-sea-salt (nss) SO4=, NO3-, NH4+, and H+ were the major contributors to the mass and ionic equivalence of the particles, The ratio of the soluble organics (SumOrg) to nss SO4= was found to be a function of the TPM, which was similar to the simple relationship found over the northwestern Atlantic Ocean for altitudes <3 km. When the H+ ion was included, there was a good ionic balance between the cations and anions in the particles, The pH of the particles ranged from -2.4 to 0.20 (averaging -0.85). The particle volume size distribution dV/d log D shows distinct features according to the altitude and location of sample collection, In urban plumes, dV/d log D was significantly higher than at high altitudes and had a consistent accumulation mode peaking at 0.24 mu m. For all samples, nss SO4= and NH4+ comprised 59% of the accumulation mode particle mass on average. Samples showed two groups with high and low NH4+/nss SO4= ratios of 0.85 and 0.01, respectively. For the first group the low ambient relative humidities indicate that NH4+ and nss SO4= were in crystallized ammonium sulfate and letovicite in equilibrium with solution, while the second group was probably close to H2SO4 droplets. On the basis of these compositions the refractive index eta was found to be about 1.5 for the first group and <1.4 for the second group. The water contents of the NH4+ - nss SO4= particles were estimated to be 35 +/- 24%, leading to an average ratio of H2O/nss SO4= = 0.9 +/- 1.2.
Shi J, Dong J, Xing DY. Conductance oscillation in a ferromagnet-insulator-ferromagnet-superconductor (FIFS) structure. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications. 1997;(PART 3):1853-1854.
Shi J, Dong J, Xing DY, Wang ZD. Conductance oscillation of a mesoscopic normal metal spanning unconventional and conventional superconductors. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 1997;(22):14822-14826.
Björndal Å, Deng H, Jansson M, Fiore JR, Colognesi C, Karlsson A, Albert J, Scarlatti G, Littman DR, Fenyö EM. Coreceptor usage of primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolates varies according to biological phenotype. Journal of Virology [Internet]. 1997;(10):7478-7487. 访问链接
Yu C, Levi DM. Cortical components of the Westheimer function. Vision Research [Internet]. 1997;(18):2535-2544. 访问链接
Yu C, Levi DM. Cortical end-stopped perceptive fields: Evidence from dichoptic and amblyopic studies. Vision Research [Internet]. 1997;(16):2261-2270. 访问链接
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Gómez AM, Valdivia HH, Cheng H, Lederer MR, Santana LF, Cannell MB, McCune SA, Altschuld RA, Lederer WJ. Defective excitation-contraction coupling in experimental cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Science [Internet]. 1997;(5313):800-806. 访问链接
Sasaki H, Yatagai F, Kanai T, Furusawa Y, Hanaoka F, Zhu W-G, Mehnati P. Dependence of induction of interphase death of Chinese hamster ovary cells exposed to accelerated heavy ions on linear energy transfer. Radiation Research [Internet]. 1997;(5):449-454. 访问链接
Bai S-N, Tan K-H. Discussion on the function and specificity of the 60 kD leaf protein in Hubei photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice Nongken 58S. Acta Botanica Sinica. 1997;(2):189-192.
