
Gao X, Baccarelli A. Reply to Alexis: Controlled Chamber Studies Showed Protective Effect of Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs against Ozone Exposure: The Stage Was Set for Broader Epidemiologic Investigation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med [Internet]. 2020;201:1583-1584. 访问链接
Rescattering time-energy analysis of high-order above-threshold ionization in few-cycle laser fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW A [Internet]. 2020;101(3). 访问链接Abstract
A Wigner distributionlike function based on the improved strong-field approximation theory is proposed to calculate the rescattering time-energy distribution (RTED) of high-energy photoelectrons of atomic above-threshold ionization process in few-cycle laser fields with different frequencies. The RTED shows bell-like stripes and the outermost stripe is compared with semiclassical results given by the simple-man model with consideration of different positions of tunnel exit and different initial longitudinal momenta. Analysis indicates the existence of the tunnel exit. However, though it shifts farther away from the core with decreasing frequency, the position of the tunnel exit is significantly less than the prediction by adiabatic theory even for the low-frequency case which is well in the tunneling regime. Our results also imply that the effect of the tunnel exit is more important than that of the initial longitudinal momentum at the tunnel exit for the backward-scattering electrons. Moreover, the inner stripe structures in the RTED are attributed to interference between electrons with the same final energy emitted at different ionization times.
Wang H, Yu Y, Tang R, Guo S. Research on Formation and Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosol Based on Simulation Methods. Acta Chimica SinicaActa Chimica Sinica. 2020;78:516-527.Abstract
Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is a major component of aerosols in the atmosphere, which plays a crucial role in climate change, regional pollution and human health. Laboratory simulations are usually used to mimic SOA formation. The most commonly used simulation facilities are environmental chambers and potential aerosol mass (PAM) reactors. Here in this work, we review the studies about influencing factors and mechanisms of SOA formation, as well as the evolution of SOA aging. We summarize the influencing factors on SOA yields, i.e. OH exposure, NOx level, and the loading and chemical composition of seed particles. The effects of NOx level (i.e. VOCs/NOx) and OH exposure are nonmonotonic. The NOx level influences the fate of RO2 radicals, so SOA yields will increase and then decrease with the addition of NOx. Similarly, the increase of OH exposure affects the major oxidation mechanism from functionalization to fragmentation, leading to the up and down trend of SOA yields. The higher seed particle loading provides more surface area for condensable products and then increases the SOA yields. The particle acidity favors the uptake process for gas-phase products and promote the SOA formation via further reactions in the condense phase. Trace components e.g. transition metals and minerals can be involved in the SOA formation and aging by catalysis or affecting the uptake of oxidants and their products. Chambers and PAM reactors are usually used to explore SOA formation potential of different sources. SOA formation potential from vehicles will be influenced by engine types, engine loading and composition of fuel. The highest SOA enhancement ratio (SOA/POA) from gasoline engines is about 4~14, when the equivalent photochemical days are 2~3 d. The SOA production mass from gasoline vehicles is from about 10~40 to 400~500 mg/kg fuel. The SOA formation potential is about 400~500 mg/kg fuel. The largest SOA enhancement ratio for biomass burning is 1.4~7.6, which occurs at 3~4 photochemical days. The SOA enhancement ratio from ambient air differs from region to region. However, the highest ratios all occur at the photochemical age of about 2~4 d. We summarize the SOA characteristics evolution with aging. Oxidation state of particles will increase with OH exposure. Changes of H/C and O/C with increasing OH exposure can be plotted in the Van Krevelen diagrams. The slopes of fitted curve range from -1 to 0, indicating OA evolution chemistry involving addition of carboxylic acids or addition of alcohols/peroxides. In addition, the volatility and hygroscopicity of oxidized OA will be higher than primary organic aerosols. In the future, more studies should be focused on developing new technologies to measuring the oxidized intermediate products at a molecular level. Also the researches on the mechanism of SOA formation from complex precursors are also crucial to understand the SOA formation at real atmosphere. © 2020 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Lin J, Lin W, Yin Z, Fu X, Mai D, Fu S, Zhang J, Gong J, Feng N, He L. Respiratory health effects of residential individual and cumulative risk factors in children living in two cities of the Pearl River Delta Region, China. Journal of Thoracic Disease [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接
Lin J, Lin W, Yin Z, Fu X, Mai D, Fu S, Zhang JJ, Gong J, Feng N, He L. Respiratory health effects of residential individual and cumulative risk factors in children living in two cities of the Pearl River Delta Region, China. Journal of Thoracic DiseaseJournal of Thoracic Disease. 2020;12:6342-+.
Liu S, Wang M, Li T, Chen Q. Response of an aerobic denitrifier to titanium dioxide nanoparticles exposure. Environmental TechnologyEnvironmental Technology. 2020;41:1446-1454.Abstract
The cytotoxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) to microorganisms has attracted great attention over the past few decades. As an important participator in the nitrogen cycle, aerobic denitrifiers have been proven to be negatively affected by TiO2 NPs, but the mechanism of this effect remains unclear. In this study, the bacteria-nanoparticle interaction was investigated by exposing an aerobic denitrifier, Pseudomonas stutzeri PCN-1 to different concentrations of TiO2 NPs at the dark condition, in order to investigate the cytotoxicity mechanism. The results illustrated that aerobic denitrification was inhibited at different TiO2 NPs concentrations from 1 to 128 mg/L, accompanied by the postponement of nitrate reduction and the accumulations of nitrite and nitrous oxide. But this inhibitory effect was mitigated with increasing TiO2 NPs concentrations. Further studies revealed that expressions of aerobic denitrification genes were also inhibited with the presence of TiO2 NPs, and the inhibition effect on napA and nirS genes was more significant than that on nosZ and cnorB, which might directly bring about the delayed nitrate reduction and hindered nitrite transfer. Moreover, the decreased toxicities at higher TiO2 NPs concentrations could be attributed to the formation of larger aggregates (>1000 nm), which greatly reduced the chance for direct interactions between NPs and bacterial membranes, as well as the interruption of denitrifying genes expressions. These findings were meaningful for the formation of deep insights into the mechanism of TiO2 NPs cytotoxicity as well as the development of strategies to control the negative effect of nanoparticles in the environment. Aerobic denitrification characteristics of strain PCN-1 under different carbon sources.
Xie K. Review of Subversive Seas: Anticolonial Networks across the Twentieth- Century Dutch Empire, by Kris Alexanderson. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia [Internet]. 2020;176(2-3):405-407. 访问链接Abstract
Kris Alexanderson’s Subversive Sea is the newest addition to the growing scholarship on the twentieth-century Dutch empire. Adopting a fresh approach, this groundbreaking work examines the transoceanic aspects of Indonesian anticolonialism by examining the shipping networks stretching beyond the geographic boundaries of the metropole and colony. Based on her solid archival work, careful reading of existing literature, and well-structured analysis, Alexanderson demonstrates how the “oceans’ permeable boundaries created a simultaneous liberating and threatening maritime spatiality” and that “the maritime world is not a liminal space but an active political arena” (p. 27). Specifically, she points out Dutch shipping companies “connected disparate bodies of water into intertwined transoceanic networks” and played a “unique role in navigating interwar power struggles between imperial hegemony and anticolonialism” (p. 25). By “repositioning colonial Indonesia to a sub-imperial center,” Subversive Sea reveals that the interconnected maritime networks were not only critical in defining colonial structure within the colonial state but also reflected “fundamental differences between terrestrial and oceanic characteristics particular to the interwar Dutch empire” (p. 2).
Xie K. Review of The Special Operations Executive in Malaya: World War II and the Path to Independence, by Rebecca Kenneison. Journal of British Studies [Internet]. 2020;59(2):449-451. 访问链接Abstract
The past few years have seen a growing number of scholarly works on British operations in Southeast Asia and their relationships with local resistance in World War II. Particularly intriguing is the mysterious last-minute deal struck between the British in Malaya and the Chinese-dominated Malayan Communist Party, or MCP, before the Japanese takeover...
Guo C, Chen G, He P, Zhang L, Zheng X. Risk of cognitive impairment in children after maternal exposure to the 1998 Yangtze River flood during pregnancy: analysis of data from China's second National Sample Survey on Disability. The Lancet Planetary HealthThe Lancet Planetary Health. 2020;4:e522-e529.
Ni X, Huang H, Liu F. Robustness of topological insulating phase against vacancy, vacancy cluster, and grain boundary bulk defects. Physical Review B. 2020;101:125114.
Bao L, Wang Z, Yu Z, Ling Y, Cai Y, HUANG R. Rotational Pattern Recognition by Spiking Correlated Neural Network Based on Dual-Gated MoS2 Neuristor. Advanced Intelligent Systems. 2020;2:2000102.
He K, Borthwick AG, Lin Y, Li Y, Fu J, Wong Y, Liu W. Sale-based estimation of pharmaceutical concentrations and associated environmental risk in the Japanese wastewater system. Environment International [Internet]. 2020;139:105690. 访问链接Abstract
Information on sales and emission of selected pharmaceuticals were used to predict their concentrations in Japanese wastewater influent through a >300 of pharmaceuticals data sink. A combined wastewater-based epidemiology and environmental risk analysis follow was established. By comparing predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) of pharmaceuticals in wastewater influent against measured environmental concentrations (MECs) reported in previous studies, it was found that the model gave accurate results for 17 pharmaceuticals (0.5 < PEC/MEC < 2), and acceptable results for 32 out of 40 pharmaceuticals (0.1 < PEC/MEC < 10). Although the majority of pharmaceuticals considered in the model were antibiotics and analgesics, pranlukast, a receptor antagonist, was predicted to have the highest concentration in wastewater influent. With regard to the composition of wastewater effluent, the Estimation Program Interface (EPI) suite was used to predict pharmaceutical removal through activated sludge treatment. Although the performance of the EPI suite was variable in terms of accurate prediction of the removal of different pharmaceuticals, it could be an efficient tool in practice for predicting removal under extreme scenarios. By using the EPI suite with input data on PEC in the wastewater influent, the PEC values of pharmaceuticals in wastewater effluent were predicted. The concentrations of 26 pharmaceuticals were relatively high (>1 μg/L), and the PECs of 6 pharmaceuticals were extremely high (>10 μg/L) in wastewater effluent, which could be attributed to their high usage rates by consumers and poor removal rates in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Furthermore, environmental risk assessment (ERA) was carried out by calculating the ratio of predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) to PEC of different pharmaceuticals, and it was found that 9 pharmaceuticals were likely to have high toxicity, and 54 pharmaceuticals were likely to have potential toxicity. It is recommended that this is further investigated in detail. The priority screening and environmental risk assessment results on pharmaceuticals can provide reliable basis for policy-making and environmental management.
Yu Z, Chen F*, Liu JK*. Sampling-tree Model:Efficient Implement of Distributed Bayesian Inference in Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems [Internet]. 2020;12(3):497-510. PDFAbstract
Experimental observations from neuroscience have suggested that the cognitive process of human brain is realized as probabilistic reasoning and further modeled as Bayesian inference. However, it remains unclear how Bayesian inference could be implemented by network of neurons in the brain. Here a novel implementation of neural circuit, named the sampling-tree model, is proposed to fulfill this aim. By using a deep tree structure to implement sampling with simple and stackable basic neural network motifs for any given Bayesian networks, one can perform local inference while guaranteeing the accuracy of global inference. We show that these task-independent motifs can be used in parallel for fast inference without intensive iteration and scale-limitation. As a result, this model utilizes the structure benefit of neuronal system, i.e., neuronal abundance and multihierarchy, to perform fast inference in an extendable way.
Scale-free networks with invariable diameter and density feature: Counterexamples. PHYSICAL REVIEW E [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接
Shi Y, Xi Z, Simayi M, Li J, Xie S. Scattered coal is the largest source of ambient volatile organic compounds during the heating season in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2020;20(15):9351-9369.
Huang K, Li S, Dai P, Wang Z, Yu Z*. SDARE: A Stacked Denoising Autoencoder Method for Game Dynamics Network Structure Reconstruction. Neural Networks [Internet]. 2020;126:143-152. PDFAbstract
Complex network is a general model to represent the interactions within technological, social, information, and biological interaction. Often, the direct detection of the interaction relationship is costly. Thus, network structure reconstruction, the inverse problem in complex networked systems, is of utmost importance for understanding many complex systems with unknown interaction structures. In addition, the data collected from real network system is often contaminated by noise, which makes the network structure inference task much more challenging. In this paper, we develop a new framework for the game dynamics network structure reconstruction based on deep learning method. In contrast to the compressive sensing methods that employ computationally complex convex/greedy algorithms to solve the network reconstruction task, we introduce a deep learning framework that can learn a structured representation from nodes data and efficiently reconstruct the game dynamics network structure with few observation data. Specifically, we propose the denoising autoencoders (DAEs) as the unsupervised feature learner to capture statistical dependencies between different nodes. Compared to the compressive sensing based method, the proposed method is a global network structure inference method, which can not only get the state-of-art performance, but also obtain the structure of network directly. Besides, the proposed method is robust to noise in the observation data. Moreover, the proposed method is also effective for the network which is not exactly sparse. Accordingly, the proposed method can extend to a wide scope of network reconstruction task in practice.
Zhong HB, Huang RJ, Duan J, Lin CS, Gu YF, Wang Y, Li YJ, Zheng Y, Chen Q, Chen Y, et al. Seasonal variations in the sources of organic aerosol in Xi'an, Northwest China: The importance of biomass burning and secondary formation. Science of the Total Environment. 2020;737.Abstract
The Guanzhong basin is a part of the three top priority regions in China's blue sky action as of 2019. Understanding the chemical composition, sources, and atmospheric process of aerosol in this region is therefore imperative for improving air quality. In this study, we present, for the first time, the seasonal variations of organic aerosol (OA) in Xi'an, the largest city in the Guanzhong basin. Biomass burning OA (BBOA) and oxidized OA (OOA) contributed N50% of OA in both autumn and winter. The average concentrations of BBOA in autumn (14.8 +/- 5.1 mu g m(-3)) and winter (11.6 +/- 6.8 mu g m(-3)) were similar. The fractional contribution of BBOA to total OA, however, decreased from 31.9% in autumn to 15.3% in winter, because of enhanced contributions from other sources in winter. The OOA fraction in OA increased largely from 20.9% in autumn to 34.9% in winter, likely due to enhanced emissions of precursors and stagnant meteorological conditions which facilitate the accumulation and secondary formation. A large increase in OOA concentration was observed during polluted days, by a factor of similar to 4 in autumn and similar to 6 in winter compared to clean days. In both seasons, OOA formation was most likely dominated by photochemical oxidation when aerosol liquid water content was b30 mu g m(-3) or by aqueous-phase processes when Ox was b35 ppb. A higher concentration of BBOA was observed for air masses circulated within the Guanzhong basin (16.5-18.1 mu g m(-3)), compared to air masses from Northwest and West (10.9-14.5 mu g m(-3)). Furthermore, compared with OA fraction in non-refractory PM1 in other regions of China, BBOA (17-19%) and coal combustion OA (10-20%) were major emission sources in the Guanzhong Basin and the BTH region, respec-tively, whereas OOA (10-34%) was an important source in all studied regions. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Liu S, Luo W, Li D, Yuan Y, Tong W, Kang J, Wang Y, Li D, Rong X, Wang T, et al. Sec-Eliminating the SARS-CoV-2 by AlGaN Based High Power Deep Ultraviolet Light Source. Advanced Functional Materials. 2020:2008452 (Online).
Zhang Z, Zhu W, Hu M, Wang H, Chen Z, Shen R, Yu Y, Tan R, Guo S. Secondary Organic Aerosol from Typical Chinese Domestic Cooking Emissions. Environmental Science and Technology LettersEnvironmental Science and Technology Letters. 2020.
ZHONG Y, Li S, TANG X, Shen L, Zhao W, Wu S, Sun N. A Second-Order Purely VCO-Based CT $ΔΣ$ ADC Using a Modified DPLL Structure in 40-nm CMOS. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 2020;55:356-368.Abstract
This article presents a power-efficient purely voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)-based second-order continuous-time (CT) ΔΣ analog-to-digital converter (ADC), featuring a modified digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) structure. The proposed ADC combines a VCO with a switched-ring oscillator (SRO)-based time-to-digital converter (TDC), which enables second-order noise shaping without any operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs). The nonlinearity of the front-end VCO is mitigated by putting it inside a closed loop. An array of phase/frequency detectors (PFDs) is used to relax the requirement on the VCO center frequency and thus reduces the VCO power and noise. The proposed architecture also realizes an intrinsic tri-level data-weighted averaging (DWA). A prototype chip is fabricated in a 40-nm CMOS process. The proposed ADC achieves a peak signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) of 69.4 dB over 5.2-MHz bandwidth, while operating at the 260 MS/s and consuming 0.86 mW from a 1.1-V supply.
