
黄季焜, 苏岚岚, 王悦. 数字技术促进农业农村发展:机遇、挑战和推进思路. 中国农村经济 [Internet]. 2024;1:21-40. 访问链接
数字政府发展监测平台. 2024.
编译 谢侃侃、闵申. 文莱诗选. 北京: 作家出版社; 2024.
高明, 毕燕璐, 胡聪慧. 环境立法与投资者利益保护:基于股票市场异常波动的视角. 金融研究 [Internet]. 2024;523(1):113–130. 全文链接www.jryj.org.cnAbstract
张思露, 郭超艺 周子乔 潘羽杰. 碳中和目标下我国煤炭主产省区的减排贡献及经济代价. 煤炭经济研究. 2024;44:6-13.
冯硕, 魏一璞. 语用容忍度视角下一语和二语等级含义的加工 [First and second language processing of scalar implicatures: From a pragmatic tolerance perspective]. 语言科学 [Language Science] [Internet]. 2024;23(1):59-70. Full textAbstract
From the perspective of pragmatic tolerance, this study investigates L1-Mandarin Chinese L2-English speakers’ derivation of scalar implicatures, with a focus on L2 speakers’ pragmatic tolerance when facing a violation of pragmatic principle. Results from a graded judgment task show that L2 speakers have native-like pragmatic tolerance of underinformative sentences. More importantly, this pragmatic tolerance does not differ between L2 speakers’ native and second languages. This study aims to provide insight for experimental design in semantics-pragmatics research, as well as for second language acquisition of scalar implicatures.
孙超. 高校图书馆馆藏数字化资源长期保存系统探索与实践——以北京大学图书馆为例. 图书馆学刊. 2024;46(08):87-92+113.Abstract
Tambe T, Zhang J, Hooper C, Jia T, Whatmough PN, Zuckerman J, Santos CDM, Loscalzo EJ, Giri D, Shepard K, et al. A 12nm 18.1TFLOPs/W sparse transformer processor with entropy-based early exit, mixed-precision predication and fine-grained power management, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2023.
Liu Y, Chen Z, Wang Z, Zhao W, He W, Zhu J, Wang Q, Zhang N, Jia T, Ma Y, et al. A 22nm 0.43pJ/SOP sparsity-aware in-memory neuromorphic computing system with hybrid spiking and artificial neural network and configurable topology, in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC).; 2023.
Liu Y, Chen Z, Wang Z, Zhao W, He W, Zhu J, Wang Q, Zhang N, Jia T, Ma* Y, et al. A 22nm 0.43pJ/SOP Sparsity-Aware In-Memory Neuromorphic Computing System with Hybrid Spiking and Artificial Neural Network and Configurable Topology. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) [Internet]. 2023. Links
Chen# P, Wu# M, ..., Ma* Y, Ye* L, HUANG R. A 22-nm Delta-Sigma Computing-In-Memory (ΔΣCIM) SRAM Macro with Near-Zero-Mean Outputs and LSB-First ADCs Achieving 21.38TOPS/W for 8b-MAC Edge AI Processing. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2023) [Internet]. 2023. Links
Chen P, Wu M, Zhao W, Cui J, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Wang Q, Ru J, Shen L, Jia T, et al. A 22-nm delta-sigma computing-in-memory (ΔΣCIM) SRAM macro with near-zero-mean outputs and LSB-first ADCs achieving 21.38TOPS/W for 8b-MAC edge AI processing, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2023.
Gao J, Shen L, Li H, Ye S, Li J, Xu X, Cui J, Gao Y, HUANG R, Ye L. 23.1 A 7.9fJ/Conversion-Step and 37.12aFrms Pipelined-SAR Capacitance-to-Digital Converter with kT/C Noise Cancellation and Incomplete-Settling-Based Correlated Level Shifting, in 2023 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2023:346-348.
Zhang Y, You Y, Ren W, Xu X, Shen L, Ru J, HUANG R, Ye L. 3.8 A 0.954nW 32kHz Crystal Oscillator in 22nm CMOS with Gm-C-Based Current Injection Control, in 2023 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2023:68-70.
Chen X, Shoukry A, Jia T, Zhang X, Magod R, Desai N, Gu J. A 65nm fully-integrated fast-switching buck converter with resonant gate drive and automatic tracking, in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuit Conference (CICC).; 2023.
Chen P, Wu M, Zhao W, Cui J, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Wang Q, Ru J, Shen L, Jia T, et al. 7.8 A 22nm Delta-Sigma Computing-In-Memory (Δ∑CIM) SRAM Macro with Near-Zero-Mean Outputs and LSB-First ADCs Achieving 21.38TOPS/W for 8b-MAC Edge AI Processing, in 2023 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2023:140-142.
Liu Y, Ma Y, He W, Wang Z, Shen L, Ru J, HUANG R, Ye L. An 82-nW 0.53-pJ/SOP Clock-Free Spiking Neural Network With 40-μs Latency for AIoT Wake-Up Functions Using a Multilevel-Event-Driven Bionic Architecture and Computing-in-Memory Technique. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 2023;70:3075-3088.
Liu# Y, Ma#* Y, He W, Wang Z, Shen L, Ru J, HUANG R, Ye* L. An 82-nW 0.53-pJ/SOP Clock-Free Spiking Neural Network With 40-μs Latency for AIoT Wake-Up Functions Using a Multilevel-Event-Driven Bionic Architecture and Computing-in-Memory Technique. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) [Internet]. 2023. Links
Yang M, Xia X, Zhou Y. Abandoned children in China: the son-preference culture and the gendered-differentiated impacts of the one-child policy. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications [Internet]. 2023;10(532):1-10. 访问链接Abstract
China has experienced an upsurge in child abandonment since the late 1970s in parallel with its one-child policy (OCP) and market reforms. Due to the scarcity of individual-level data, the literature focuses on informal adoption and child trafficking. This study first demonstrates the spatial-temporal trends of child abandonment across over 100,000 self-reported cases spanning 40 years in China collected from an internet platform. We then examine how the OCP and the long-established clan culture influence the incidence of child abandonment at the provincial level. We further compare whether the influences vary across genders. The results indicate that a tougher OCP penalty increases child abandonment, particularly the abandonment of girls. The influence of the OCP on girl abandonment is weaker in provinces with a strong clan culture, where sex ratios at birth are more unbalanced due to an increased incidence of gender-selective abortions.
Cai L, Wang J, Yu L, Yan B, Tao Y*, Yang Y*. Accelerating Neural-ODE Inference on FPGAs with Two-Stage Structured Pruning and History-Based Stepsize Search, in Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2023:177–183. 访问链接
