Abnormal behavior during nanoindentation holding stage: Characterization and explanation


Liu K, Ostadhassan M, Xu X, Bubach B. Abnormal behavior during nanoindentation holding stage: Characterization and explanation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2019;173:733-747.


In order to analyze the creep behavior of shale rocks, nanoindentation, a common and widely used method was employed in this study. During the experiments, an abnormal displacement behavior was observed in the holding stage which has rarely been reported. It was observed that the displacement increases with holding time followed by a decrease. Further analysis of the results showed that the reduction in the displacement could be due to elastic recovery during the holding period. The dynamic mechanical properties such as storage modulus and hardness were found to first decrease and then increase after the holding time exceeds a certain value which is inferred to elastic recovery. These findings indicate that at the beginning of the holding period, creep behavior would dominate the process while as the holding time proceed, the elastic recovery plays a more important role. Finally, we proposed a new model which includes elastic recovery to quantify the changes in displacement, storage modulus and hardness as a function of holding time.
