科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Kong S, Liu H, Zeng H, Liu Y. The status and progress of resource utilization technology of e-waste pollution in China. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 2012;16: 515 – 521.
秦佩恒, 倪洪刚, 刘阳生, 曾辉. 深圳市表层土壤中PBDEs 空间分布特征及蓄积量估算. 北京大学学报( 自然科学版). 2011;27(1):127 – 132.
王俊坚, 赵宏伟, 钟秀萍, 刘阳生, 曾辉. 垃圾焚烧厂周边土壤重金属浓度水平及空间分布. 环境科学. 2011;32(1):298 – 304.
Wang J, Zhao H, Zhong X, Kong S, Liu Y*, Zeng H. Investigation of mercury levels in soil around a municipal solid waste incinerator in Shenzhen, China. Environmental Earth Science. 2011;64:1001–1010.
Qin P, Ni H, Liu Y*, Shi Y, Zeng H. Occurrence, distribution, and source of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in soil and leaves from Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011;174:259–270.
赵亚娟, 陈睿, 刘阳生*, 栾胜基. 负载无机铵盐改性活性炭纤维对甲醛去除能力的影响. 环境科学学报. 2010;30(3):572 – 577.
钟秀萍, 王俊坚, 赵宏伟, 刘阳生, 曾辉. 垃圾焚烧厂周围优势植物的重金属污染特征研究—以深圳市清水河垃圾焚烧厂为例. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 2010;46(4):674 – 680.
孔丝纺, 刘阳生, 曾辉, 解庆龙, 吕晓蕾. 焚烧源挥发性重金属的排放对周边土壤和植被污染的研究进展. 生态环境学报. 2010;19(4):985-990.
杜芳, 刘阳生*. 尾矿烧制陶粒及其性能研究. 环境工程. 2010;28(s):369-373.
吕晓蕾, 刘阳生*. 深圳市垃圾焚烧飞灰的基本特性. 环境工程. 2010;28(s):259-264.
王俊坚, 刘阳生*. 甲烷液相制甲醇技术及机理研究进展. 环境工程. 2010;28(s):351-356.
Liu Y*, Du F, Yuan L, Zeng H, Kong S. Production of lightweight ceramisite from iron ore tailings and its performance investigation in a biological aerated filter (BAF) reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010;178(1-3):999-1006.
Liu Y. Comment on Calcium Precursors for the Production of CaO Sorbents for Multicycle CO2 Capture. Environmental Science and Technology. 2010;44(9):3638–3639.
赵宏伟, 钟秀萍, 刘阳生, 王俊坚, 洪渊, 招康赛, 曾辉. 深圳市清水河垃圾焚烧厂周围地区优势植物的汞污染研究. 环境科学. 2009;30(9):2786 – 2791.
杜芳, 刘阳生*. 焚烧源汞污染控制研究技术进展及我国大气汞污染控制紧迫性. 环境工程. 2009;27(s):265-268.
占子玉, 刘阳生*. 焚烧源铅污染控制技术研究进展. 环境工程. 2009;27(s):258-261.
Liu Y*, Kong S, Li Y, Zeng H. Novel technology for sewage sludge utilization: Preparation of amino acids chelated trace elements (AACTE) fertilizer. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009;171:1159 - 1167.
Liu Y*, Zhan Z, Li Y, Liu Y. Indoor air concentrations of mercury species in incineration plants for municipal solid waste (MSW) and hospital waste (HW). Chemosphere. 2009;75:266-271.
Liu Y*, Zheng L, Li X, Xie S. SEM/EDS and XRD characterization of raw and washed MSWI fly ash sintered at different temperatures. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009;162:161 - 173.
郑丽婷, 刘阳生*. 从焚烧飞灰中回收金属研究进展. 环境工程. 2008;26(s):343 - 345.
