科研成果 by Year: 1995

Yoshizumi M, Lee W-S, Hsieh C-M, Tsai J-C, Li J, Perrella MA, Patterson C, Endege WO, Schlegel R, Lee M-E. Disappearance of cyclin A correlates with permanent withdrawal of cardiomyocytes from the cell cycle in human and rat hearts. Journal of Clinical Investigation [Internet]. 1995;(5):2275-2280. 访问链接
Li J, Perrella MA, Tsai J-C, Yet S-F, Hsieh C-M, Yoshizumi M, Patterson C, Endege WO, Zhou F, Lee M-E. Induction of vascular endothelial growth factor gene expression by interleukin-1β in rat aortic smooth muscle cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry [Internet]. 1995;(1):308-312. 访问链接
Jian L, Peizhang X, Chen H, Yang Z, Zhang Q. Improvement of tracheal autograft survival with transplantation into the greater omentum. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery [Internet]. 1995;(6):1592-1596. 访问链接