个人简介 Bio
以第一/通讯作者在Science、Nature Geoscience(封面文章)、Nature Reviews Earth & Environment(封面文章)等顶刊上发表论文20篇,以合作者在Nature Water、Nature Communications等期刊上发表论文20余篇,系列成果被《科学网》、联合国IPCC第六次评估报告、《青藏高原研究经典文献目录》等引用报道。获美国地理学家协会G.K. Gilbert奖、阿里巴巴达摩院青橙奖、IPCC青年学者奖、钱宁泥沙青年论文奖。受邀担任权威期刊JGR: Earth Surface和Hydrological Processes副主编、Geomorphology和ESPL客座主编、国际地貌协会(IAG)和国际水文科学协会(IAHS)青年委员、AGU和EGU分会场共同召集人等。课题组博客:https://blog.nus.edu.sg/geolidf/
学术兼职 Academic Service
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 副主编
- Hydrological Processes 副主编
- Geomorphology和Earth Surface Processes & Landforms专刊主编
- 国际水文科学协会(IAHS)和国际地貌协会(IAG)青年委员
- 中国水利学会青年工作委员会和中国水资源战略研究会流域碳中和委员会委员
- AGU和EGU会议分会场召集人
- 教育部、基金委、IPCC-AR6、National Science Foundation (USA)、 Science、Nature Communications、Water Resources Research等20多种期刊和基金的评审专家
获奖和荣誉 Awards
- 阿里巴巴达摩院青橙奖(2024)
- 国家级高层次青年人才计划(海外优青,2022)
- 美国地理协会G. K. Gilbert 奖
- IPCC青年学者奖
- 钱宁泥沙青年论文奖
- Wang Gungwu奖章
- 国家优秀留学生特别优秀奖(新加坡馆区仅1名)
- 国家奖学金、新加坡国立大学校长奖学金、武汉大学奖学金等
代表作 Selected publications(*为通讯作者)
- Li, D.*, Lu, X.*, Overeem, I., Walling, D., Syvitski J., Kettner, A. J., Bookhagen B., Zhou, Y., & Zhang, T. (2021). Exceptional increases in fluvial sediment fluxes in a warmer and wetter High Mountain Asia. Science, 374(6567), 599-603.
- Li, D.*, Lu X., Walling, D., Zhang, T., Steiner J. K., Wasson, R. J., Harrison S., Nepal S., Nie, Y., Immerzeel, W. W., Shugar, D., Koppes, M., Lane, S., Zeng, Z., Sun, X., Yegorov, A., & Bolch, T. (2022). High Mountain Asia hydropower systems threatened by climate-driven landscape instability. Nature Geoscience, 15, 520-530
- Li, D.*, Zhang, T.*, Walling, D., Lane, S., Bookhagen B., Shang, T., Overeem, I., Syvitski J., Kettner, A. J., Park, E., Koppes, M., Schmitt, R., Sun, W., Ni, J. & Ehlers, T. The competing controls of glaciers, precipitation, and vegetation on high-mountain fluvial sediment yields. Science Advances, 10, eads6196 (2024).
- Zhang, T., Li, D.*, East, A., Kettner, A., Best, J., Ni, J., Lu, X. (2023). Shifted sediment transport regimes by climate change and amplified hydrological variability in cryosphere-fed rivers. Science Advances, 9(45), eadi5019.
- Zhang, T., Li, D.*, East, A., Walling, D., Lane, S., Overeem, I., Beylich, A., Koppes, M, Lu, X. (2022). Warming-driven erosion and sediment transport in cold regions. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 3, 832–851.
- Li, D.*, Overeem, I., Kettner, A. J., Zhou, Y., & Lu, X.* (2021). Air temperature regulates erodible landscape, water and sediment fluxes in the permafrost‐dominated catchment on the Tibetan Plateau. Water Resources Research, 57 (02), e2020WR028193.
- Li, D., Li, Z., Zhou, Y., & Lu, X.* (2020). Substantial increases in the water and sediment fluxes in the headwater region of the Tibetan Plateau in response to global warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(11), e2020GL087745.
- Zhao, Y. and Li, D.*, 2025. Accelerated Permafrost Thaw Linked to Rising River Temperature and Widening Channels. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(1): e2024GL112752.
- Sha, A., Li, D.*, Walling, D., Zhao, Y., Tian, S., Chen, D., Deng, S., Xia, J., Best, J., 2025. Accelerated River Meander Migration on the Tibetan Plateau Caused by Permafrost Thaw. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(1): e2024GL111536.
- Li, D., Lu, X.*, Chen, L.*, & Wasson, R. J. (2019). Downstream geomorphic impact of the Three Gorges Dam: with special reference to the channel bars in the Middle Yangtze River. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 44(13): 2660-2670.
- Li, D.* and Zhang, T., 2023. Fluvial sediment load sensitivity to climate change in cold basins on the Tibetan Plateau: An elasticity approach and the spatial scale effect. Geomorphology, 440: 108887.
- Li, D., Lu, X.*, Yang, X., Chen, L. and Lin, L. (2018). Sediment load responses to climate variation and cascade reservoirs in the Yangtze River: A case study of the Jinsha River. Geomorphology, 322: 41-52.
- Zhang, T., Li, D.*, & Lu, X. (2022), Response of runoff components to climate change in the source-region of the Yellow River on the Tibetan Plateau. Hydrological Processes. 36(6), e14633.
- Zhang, T.*, Li, D.*, Kettner, A. J., Zhou, Y., & Lu, X. (2021). Constraining Dynamic Sediment‐Discharge Relationships in Cold Environments: the Sediment-Availability-Transport (SAT) Model. Water Resources Research, e2021WR030690.
- Zhao, Y., Huang, M., Li, Z., Li, D.*, & Li, J.* (2023). Google Earth Engine-based estimation of the spatio-temporal distribution of suspended sediment concentrations in a multi-channel river system of the Yangtze River Basin. Water Resources Research, 59, e2023WR034967.
- Hu, Y., Li, D., Deng, J*., Yue, Y., Zhou, J., Yang, C., et al. (2024). Dune development dominates flow resistance increase in a large dammed river. Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR036660.
- Hu, Y., Li, D., Deng, J.*, Yue, Y., Zhou, J., Chai, Y., & Li, Y. (2022). Mechanisms controlling water-level variations in the Middle Yangtze River following the operation of the Three Gorges Dam. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032338.
- Zhou, Y., Li, D.*, Lu, J., Yao, S., Yan, X., Jin, Z., ... & Lu, X. X. (2020). Distinguishing the multiple controls on the decreased sediment flux in the Jialing River basin of the Yangtze River, Southwestern China. Catena, 193, 104593.
- Yang, X., Hu, Y.*, Sun, Z., Li, Y., Xiong, H., & Li, D.* (2024). Human interventions alter morphodynamics of meandering channels: Insights from decadal to pre-industrial observations in the Yangtze River. Journal of Hydrology, 634, 131067.
- Yang, X., Sun, Z., Li, Y.*, Deng, J., Xiong, H., & Li, D.* (2023). Mechanisms of bar adjustments in the Jingjiang Reach of the Yangtze River in response to the operation of the Three Gorges Dam. Journal of Hydrology, 128802.
- Li, J., Wang, G., Song, C., Sun, S., Ma, J., Wang, Y., Guo, L., & Li, D. (2024). Recent intensified erosion and massive sediment deposition in Tibetan Plateau rivers. Nature Communications, 15(1), 722.
- Xu, R., Zeng, Z.*, Pan, M. et al (including Li, D.) (2023). A global-scale framework for hydropower development incorporating strict environmental constraints. Nature Water, 1, 113–122
全部文章列表见Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ORCID
代表性科研项目 Grants
1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)“流域水沙通量变化”,项目负责人,2023-2025
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52479055) “长江源区冻土-植被协同演变对河流水沙碳输移过程的影响机制研究”,项目负责人,2025-2028
3. 北京大学学科建设项目(7100604495) “冰冻圈河流变化机理与影响”,项目负责人,2023-2025
4. 北京大学新工科交叉青年专项项目(7101503318)“雅鲁藏布江泥沙变化及其对梯级水库的影响”,项目负责人,2024-2024
5. 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目(2023YFC3209900)“黄河流域多类型湖库水生态演变及对氮磷变化的响应研究”,子课题负责人,2023-2026
5. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目(92047303)“西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用”,主要参与人,2021-2024
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